“Our Wall” Response

1. Charles Bowden’s purpose/goal, in writing Our Wall, is to show the reader why a wall between the United States and Meixco is useless and unnecessary.

2. Bowden’s use of allusion allows him to accomplish his goal of Our Wall. He references other major/famous walls that were built in the world: Great Wall of China, Berlin Wall, Maginot line, etc, that all eventually failed at their purpose. The Manchu bypassed the Great Wall and conquered China, the Berlin Wall fell near the end of the Cold War, and the Maginot Line was altogether useless because the Nazis went around it to attack France. This allusion implies that if the United States were to build a wall between it and Mexico, the wall would be unable to accomplish the United States’ desired effect.

3. I do not agree with Bowden. I think the United States should take whatever actions it deems necessary to decrease illegal immigration, whether that be building a wall or what-have-you.

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