Opinion Article Analysis


In the article posted by The Recovery Village, the author presents statistics on substance abuse in highschool. They state that 86% of teens “know someone who smokes, drinks, or does drugs during the school day” (Drug Use in Highschool). It then goes into the specific statistics of what percent of students abuse drugs and alcohol. After this, the author discusses the effects of highschoolers abusing substances, how there are only downsides in abusing substances, and what to do if a parent thinks their teen needs help with an addiction problem.

The author’s purpose of the article is to deter the reader from substance abuse by informing them of the negative effects. The author’s diction allows him to convey his purpose in a way to, hopefully, deter substance abuse. He talks about death, and ER visits, which shows how serious substance abuse is. He also uses the word “popular” (Drug Use in Highschool) to describe certain drugs, which is a fitting term because it lets the reader know which drugs are used most. He then says that “seniors are caught up in cocaine use” (Drug Use in Highschool) which is an absurd statement because, one does not simply get “caught up in cocaine use” (Drug Use in Highschool). In nine curcumstances out of ten, people who are taking cocaine have the choice to not take it as well. They are not just walking in a park, and then magically snorting a line of cocaine on the sidewalk. It is their choice to do cocaine, and it is their choice to get help. The author’s use of lists also informs the reader about what drugs teenagers use the most. The list ranges from amphematines and adderall to estacy and salvia. Another list gives the specific statistics of what drugs are easist to procure: “91% said marijuana… 24% said prescription drugs… 9% said cocaine… 7% said esctacy” (Drug Use in Highschool). All of the drugs listed can cause serious side effects under the right, or, in this case wrong, circumstances.

I agree with the stance that the author takes on highschool substance abuse: it should not happen. There is no reason to get addicted to drugs or to become an alcoholic, especially during a highschool career. It is not only harmful to become addicted but also illegal. Students are wasting their money, potentially their parents’ money, on substances that impair their judgement, memory, and thought, and can bring about behavioral changes, especially when going through withdrawls. Yet they think by getting these drugs they will be able to improve their academic performance, or the drugs will numb the pain they feel in their life. This is not the right way to improve grades or fix problems, studying more and going to counciling work just fine. Some people might present the argument that prescription drugs are harmful just like illicit drugs, and to that I say yes, but only when taking too much resulting in overdosing. If a patient takes the correct dosage prescribed then there should be no serious side effects even when taking them for a long time. Unlike taking illict drugs for a long period of time, doing so will result in addiction. I do not see any reason as to why anyone, let alone highschoolers, should take illict drugs or abuse prescription drugs.



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